International Workshop “Green materials for Batteries in Horizon 2020”

Data - 19/02/2020
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Munich. On 19 February 2020, the Bavarian Research Alliance and Innovation Centre Denmark co-host the International Workshop “Green materials for batteries in Horizon 2020” in Munich. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers from academia and industry from different regions and countries in Europe to develop joint proposals within Horizon 2020 Industrial Leadership calls with a special focus on battery technologies. This event specifically targets researchers who have a concrete project idea for the open topics and who are searching for international project partners.

The transition to climate neutrality, including through clean and low emission mobility, will bring significant opportunities for economic growth, job creation and technological development in Europe. Demand for batteries is expected to grow very rapidly in the coming years. Forward-looking research, development and innovation policies will have a key role to enable Europe and its Member States to make the most of this transition. Therefore, the European Commission supports the development of new materials and cell production processes for batteries of the next generation to make Europe an important battery location worldwide:

This EU initiative brings new funding opportunities for European researchers specialized in battery technologies. Therefore, we would like to invite you to join our workshop, where you will have the opportunity:

For further information on the specific calls, please click on the links above. The deadline for submission of proposals under the above-mentioned topics is 21 April 2020.


More information and registration:

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