Europe’s Road to Gender Equality in Research: Learning from the best European performer – Portugal

Data - 16/06/2021
11:00 - 14:00

A case study on gender equality in the Portugese research system

Did you know that Portugal continues to be the best performing EU member state in terms of women in research, according to Elsevier’s report, ‘The researcher journey through a gender lens’?

Together with European project MINDtheGEPs* and a distinguished panel from Portugal, the EU institutions and the research community, we will deep dive into Portugal’s performance on equality, discuss what more the EU could do to deliver a gender balanced research system and consider how the gender equality plans implementation will be rolled out in Europe’s research and innovation framework.


Webinar time: 16 June 2021 from 10:00 to 13:00 Brussels time. Register here.

The discussion will be divided in two sessions; the first, starting at 10:00 CEST, will examine the reasons behind Portugal’s success and how it could be replicated across Europe, with questions to representatives from the European Commission, Parliament, the Portuguese Government and the research community. The second session, starting at 11:35 CEST, will bring together established members of the research community to discuss how gender equality can be realised in practice through strategic interventions and implementation of gender equality plans. During the 15-minute break a short mindfulness session will be offered.

Click here to view the full programme.

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