Data - 24/04/2020
24 April, 14.00-15.00 CET
This webinar presents initiatives by higher education actors who take a collaborative approach to addressing and fulfilling universities’ role in society.
- Koen Verlaeckt, Secretary General, Flemish Interuniversity Council, Belgium
- Douglas Halliday, Chair of EUA Energy and Environment Platform, Durham University, United Kingdom
- Chaired by Amanda Crowfoot, Secretary General, EUA
Presentation ‘Assessing the human rights impact of national and international academic partnerships: an innovative interuniversity tool’, by Koen Verlaeckt
As key societal actors, universities are bound by national and international legislation on human rights. However they should go beyond that by offering their researchers and decision-makers background information on what human rights are, how potential risks can be detected and how potential future violation of human rights can be prevented. The Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR) developed a screening and scoping tool to address this delicate issue. It is the result of a balancing act between human rights principles and the reality of strategic priorities that govern a university’s policies on research, higher education, international relations and corporate administration.
Presentation ‘Designing university programmes to support the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals’, by Douglas Halliday
The world is facing unprecedented challenges. Universities have a civic duty to train and prepare individuals who can develop relevant, effective and robust approaches to solve global challenges. The European Green Deal aspires for Europe to be climate-neutral by 2050. How should universities respond to the challenge of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the 2050 European Green Deal? This presentation will present key strategic approaches for universities to consider when developing multidisciplinary challenge-based education and training programmes at Masters and Doctoral level. Specific examples will illustrate the success of this approach. The presentation will offer delegates a toolkit they can use to develop their own approach.
More information: EUA website
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