Webinar „Connecting researchers across Europe“

Data - 22/09/2021
14:00 - 15:30

Better connecting excellence in the EU  


On September 22nd and September 30th, Neth-ER and KNAW will host two webinar sessions on how to better connect researchers and research organisations across Europe. The webinars ask what needs to be done at different governance levels to create a more integrated and cohesive European research & innovation system. During the first webinar on 22 September, we invite researchers from two Horizon 2020 Twinning projects to reflect on lessons from their cooperation and what they expect of the partnership. In the second webinar on 30 September board members of research organisations will comment on institutional strategies that can increase cooperation and interlinkages between research and innovation actors in the European Research Area and how to better coordinate policies and programmes at the European, national and regional level.Registration link

Programme 22nd September

“Connecting researchers across Europe“, time 14:00-15:30

  • Opening & introduction by Jurgen Rienks, director Neth-ER
  • Contribution from researchers participating in Horizon 2020 project “The Life Course of the Young in the 21st Century” from the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) & Tallinn University
  • Contribution from researchers participating in Horizon 2020 project “Strengthening the research & innovation capacity in the area of Bioeconomy for the Plovdiv region” from Wageningen University & the Agricultural University of Plovdiv
  • Panel discussion and Q&A on connecting researchers across Europe, moderated by Jurgen Rienks

Panel members:

  • Prof. Vladislav Popov, PhD, Vice-rector Science and Projects & coordinator CAPBIO4BG
  • Dr. Berien Elbersen, senior researcher land use and integrated environmental assessment
  • Prof. Dr. Aart Liefbroer, theme leader Families and Generations at NIDI
  • Federica Roffi, Deputy Head of Unit Spreading excellence & widening participation, Research Executive Agency

Practical information and registration form

The events will take place on Wednesday 22 September from 14:00 to 15:30 and Thursday 30 September from 14:00 to 15:30 via Microsoft Teams. The events will be held in English. Registration for both webinars takes place via this link. Prior to the event, participants will receive a Microsoft Teams-link to the webinar. The webinar will be recorded and a recap will appear on the Neth-ER website. For further questions about the registration and the programme, please contact neth-er@neth-er.eu.


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