Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe: diving into the opportunities

Date - 02/06/2021
9:30 - 13:00


Liaison offices for research, development and innovation in Brussels from Slovakia (SLORD) and Lithuania (LINO), in cooperation with other partners, co-organise an international webinar and networking event on the upcoming opportunities for social sciences and humanities (SSH) in Horizon Europe.

This event is open to anyone interested in participating in European projects and in setting up collaborations with or within the SSH research and innovation community in the new programming period and will give you a chance to LEARN, EXPLORE AND NETWORK.

LEARN about the progress related to the integration of SSH into the Horizon 2020 programme, the new SSH integration strategy under the Horizon Europe programme and the importance of the SSH from the point of view of other experts and researchers.

EXPLORE the landscape of opportunities under the Horizon Europe programme and other possibilities of the new financial framework.

NETWORK! Use the opportunity to find new partners through a partner search list designed for this occasion and get to know other participants in three thematic parallel networking sessions:

  1. Democracy and Governance
  2. European Cultural Heritage and the Cultural and Creative Industries
  3. Social and Economic Transformations


PROGRAMME of the webinar and networking event

9:30-13:00 CEST (Brussels time), 10:30-14:00 EEST

Moderator: Dante Micheaux

Watch recordings here through Youtube link


PART 1. Policy part. SSH role in framework programmes


9.30 – 9.35 Welcome words and opening remarks

9.35 – 9.50 SSH integration under Horizon 2020 – Where do we stand? Beatrice Lucaroni, Policy Officer, Unit Fair Societies & Cultural Heritage, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission

9.50 – 10.15 Examples of SSH role in Horizon 2020 projects

10.15 – 10.30 SSH integration under Horizon Europe. Harald Hartung, Head of Unit Fair Societies & Cultural Heritage, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission

10.30 – 10.40 The role of Member States in mainstreaming SSHMatthias Reiter-Pázmándy, Deputy Head of the Department for Social Sciences and Humanities, Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research

10.40 – 10.5o A bridge between SSH researchers and policy makers to co-design what they need from a European Framework programmeGabi Lombardo, Director, European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities (EASSH)

10.50 – 10.55 Break


PART 2. Practical part. Exploring new opportunities for SSH


10.55 – 11.15 Horizon Europe Cluster 2, Frank Siebern-Thomas, Deputy Head of the Unit responsible for Thematic Analysis, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

11.15 – 11.55 Where else to look for opportunities?

12.05 – 12.10 Closing words

12.10 – 12.15 Break


12:15 – 13:15 Virtual networking in 3 parallel sessions:

  • 1. Democracy and Governance
  • 2. European Cultural Heritage and the Cultural and Creative Industries
  • 3. Social and Economic Transformations

All participants are invited to join one of the three networking sessions that fits their interests. The room should be selected in advance using the registration form. Participants will have the opportunity for informal discussions and brief introductions of themselves, their activities and interests to collaborate in specific areas. Participants looking for new contacts and partners are advised to prepare a short oral input and make use of the a partner search list designed for this occasion. A facilitator will be present in each of the rooms.

Participants that registered to a networking session via the registration form will be contacted by the organisers with further instructions prior to the event.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact:

Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD) – Monika Bideau Repčíková (

Lithuanian RDI Liaison Office in Brussels (LINO) – Brigita Serafinavičiūtė (






Partners of the event:


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