Research and innovation proved to be among the most powerful of European policies to boost the Union’s economies and competitiveness at the global scale. With its ability to drive growth, to create up to 320,000 new highly skilled jobs by 2040 and to leverage approximately 11 euro of additional investments for each euro invested at the European level, the R&I policy is an engine of the green and digital transitions on
the continent and stairways to ‘the future we want’.
European research and innovation will remain at the forefront of the common European response to the health, social and economic challenges brought with the global COVID-19 pandemic. A strategic role of the policy for economic recovery and achieving climate neutrality by 2050 was highlighted by President Ursula von der Leyen: ‘Combined with investments in research, innovation, science and technology, the Green Deal is Europe’s new growth strategy’.
A modernised European Research Area and a new EU R&I Framework Programme ‘Horizon Europe’ with a more ambitious association policy and its key novelties – missions, partnerships and the European Innovation Council – will accelerate the achievement of our climate and digital goals, while strengthening Europe’s global leadership and technological sovereignty.
Faced with long-term social and economic effects of the global pandemic, our vision remains unchanged: a sustainable, safe, fair and prosperous future for people and planet, based on solidarity and respect for common European values. This vision is fully reflected in the Strategic Plan 2020-2024. The document is divided into two sections: Part 1 focuses on the DG’s contribution to the Commission’s headline
ambitions, Part 2 highlights our role for achieving modern, sustainable and well performing European Commission, that serves the Union and its citizens.
You can find and read full Strategic Plan 2020-2024 here.
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