WEBINAR: Building a European Health Union for stronger EU preparedness and response for health crises

Date - 29/01/2021
10:15 - 11:45

On 11 November, the Commission presented a Communication on Building a European Health Union: Reinforcing the EU’s resilience for cross-border health threats. The Communication highlights the lessons learnt from the first stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, and proposes a strengthened health security framework for better EU level protection, prevention, preparedness and response against human health
hazards. The Communication is accompanied by three legislative proposals: an upgrading of Decision 1082/2013/EU on serious cross-border threats to health, a strengthening of the mandate of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and an extension of the mandate of the European Medicines Agency. To better prepare, monitor and respond to serious cross-border threats to health, the Commission proposes creating a pan-European integrated surveillance system, using artificial intelligence and other advanced technological means, and increasing coordination to allow for better preparedness planning and for the adoption of common response measures at EU level.
The role of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and of the European Medicines Agency will be reinforced to support the Commission and Member States in a number of areas. This includes mobilising and deploying the EU Health Task Force to assist local response in Member States; building a network of EU reference laboratories, as well as creating permanent structures to monitor,
anticipate and mitigate potential shortages of medicines and medical devices in times of crises and/or emergency situations. Currently, the Commission is preparing the main elements of the future new EU Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority, to be proposed by the end of 2021. Such a structure would support a better EU-level response to cross-border health threats.

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