UNICA – VUB Webinar “Applying Open Science in Research Projects”

Date - 18/01/2021
13:00 - 15:00

The purpose of the webinar is to discuss the practical aspects and consequences of applying Open Science in research projects.

Open Science is a key element of Horizon Europe projects. The European Commission website refers to Open Science as “a transition in how research is performed and how knowledge is shared” and explains how Open Science is aimed to make science more efficient, reliable, and responsive to societal challenges. To this end, the webinar will include a presentation by VUB on what Open Science is and what it is not, and presentations by UNICA members on the application of Open Science in practice.

The VUB Multidisciplinary Program on Sustainable Food and Biomass Systems is established to support the preparation and execution of multi-disciplinary research and education projects. As the concept note for the program explains, projects developed with support of the program will apply to the extent possible the concept of Open Science.

The preliminary programme of the webinar is available here

Participation is free, but registration is mandatory via this link.

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