Date - 02/07/2020 - 03/07/2020
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With many initiatives launched worldwide for the personal human genome map (Personalised Medicine Initiative in the USA, 100.000 Genomes Initiative in the UK and the Human Genome Declaration at EU level), it is possible to envision a future where treatments are tailored to individuals’ genetic structures. A future where Personalised Medicine is fully integrated into real life setting.
In healthcare new scientific and technological innovations are either not yet used or underused because of slow adoption, data analytics is failing to reach its full potential, and interdisciplinary barriers in medical science need to be overcome.
In order to accelerate the adoption of personalised medicine approaches and enable early interception of diseases, deliver new precision and personalised care while balancing and optimising healthcare expenditures based on medical and economic value, Health Technologies and Smart & Integrated Care need to become a key priority for the policy makers. Healthcare organisations need to be transformed in order to absorb innovative technologies and deliver more personalised services to patients and citizens. In this respect, worldwide, the healthcare environment is already changing and it is becoming increasingly obvious that affordable high-quality healthcare cannot be delivered without harnessing new ways of delivering care. Using new technologies is a promising solution to help cope with current challenges and to improve healthcare and pharmacy practice.
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