Fair access to resources: Looking to 2030 and beyond

Date - 26/09/2023
9:00 - 13:00

As we are only in the third year of Horizon Europe, it is too early to draw any significant conclusions on its performance. However, several analyses already point to some of the things the European Commission could do to improve the programme in the second half of its lifetime. The ongoing chatter around the input the Commission has received ahead of the midterm review is also a good predictor of the changes to come after 2027, when the 10th Framework Programme for research and innovation will be launched.

In the meantime, there are intense discussions to revise the current EU Multiannual financial framework (MFF) due to challenges unforeseen by EU leaders back in 2020: the war in Ukraine, rising inflation, and a trade war with China. In this shifting context, the ongoing Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU is to begin preparations for the next MFF, while everyone is awaiting to see the outcome of the upcoming European elections.

As the political gears are shifting, it is the right time to return to Prague. We are one year after the successful Czech presidency of the Council focused, among other things, on how better coordinated EU funding mechanisms can give a much needed boost to researchers and innovators from new member states.

That is why, on 26 September in Prague, Science|Business will gather R&D leaders in the public and private sectors from Brussels and across the EU, who are eager to discuss how bridge the research and innovation gap between east and west. It takes two to tango, therefore we aim to exchange views and listen to each other’s stories (good and bad), and to come up with new ideas for the next multiannual planning for research and innovation policy.

How can we find the right balance to share the benefits and the responsibilities? How can we better understand each other in the region and within the EU as a whole? How can we enjoy future success while managing our expectations (“the possible”), instead of being frustrated that we could not achieve “the mission impossible”? How can we dance the European tango, mutually beneficial for both partners and for the public, the society? How can we define, measure, communicate and celebrate success?

The conference is the third regional event organised as part of the Science|Business Widening initiative. This event is part of a series of debates on how to transform the Widening Programme as European and national policy makers start shaping the next EU Framework Programme for research and innovation.

More info and registration: https://sciencebusiness.net/events/fair-access-resources-looking-2030-and-beyond 

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