Date - 07/09/2021
13:00 - 14:30
The National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIO) and the Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD) kindly invite you to an IGLO Open event on „Evaluation novelties under the Horizon Europe programme”, which will take place online on 7 September 2021 between 13:00 to 14:30.
This online event will be dedicated to such evaluation novelties like Open Science and gender aspects throughout the programme, impact pathways or the do not significant harm principle.
Our invited speaker is Isabel Vergara-Ogando (tbc.), Deputy Head of Unit in the Common Service for Business Process unit, DG R&I, European Commission. Her presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.
Registration and meeting link will be circulated at a later date. As the event will be online, national stakeholders and national contact points are also welcome.
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