The 2023-2024 Work Programme “Research Infrastructures” includes calls for proposals totalling approximately EUR 654 million over its two-year term.
The Work Programme contains 5 funding themes (destinations), each of which is subordinated to several calls with the individual call topics.
Below you will find the five destinations and the corresponding calls contained in the 2023-2024 work programme:
Destination 1 – Developing, consolidating and optimising the European research infrastructures landscape, maintaining global leadership (INFRADEV, budget 2023: EUR 79,5 mil.; 2024: EUR 41,5 mil.)
- Calls – Developing, consolidating and optimising European Research Infrastructures, maintaining global leadership (2023/2024)
Destination 2 – Enabling an operational, open and FAIR EOSC ecosystem (INFRAEOSC, budget 2023: EUR 69 mil.; 2024: EUR 61 mil.)
- Calls – Enabling an operational, open and FAIR EOSC ecosystem (2023/2024)
Destination 3 – Research Infrastructure services to support health research, accelerate the green and digital transformation, and advance frontier knowledge (INFRASERV, budget 2023: EUR 142,1 mil.; 2024: EUR 14,9 mil.)
- Call – Research Infrastructure services to support health research, accelerate the green and digital transformation, and advance frontier knowledge (2023)
Destination 4 – Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods and advanced digital solutions (INFRATECH, budget 2023: EUR 25 mil.; 2022: EUR 136 mil.)
- Calls – Next generation of scientific instrumentation, tools and methods (2023/2024)
Destination 5 – Network connectivity in Research and Education – Enabling collaboration without boundaries (INFRANET)
- Calls for the Specific Grant Agreements (SGAs) are included under “Other actions” in the Work Programme.
Calls for proposals in this funding area will exclusively use the single-stage application procedure. The dates for the opening and closing of the individual calls are as follows:
- Calls 2023: Opening 6 December 2022, deadline 9 March 2023
- Calls 2024: Opening 6 December 2023, deadline 12 March 2024
Please refer to the work programme for the topics included in the individual calls. General information on the conditions of participation, eligibility, application and review criteria can be found in the General Annexes of the work programme and the Programme Guide. Some specific conditions apply to individual topics, which you will find in the box under the respective topic title.
Applications must be submitted via the Funding & Tenders Portal and require prior registration.
Please note: All calls for proposals and documents are available in the Funding & Tenders Portal and only the information provided there is binding.
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