ERA-LEARN published Annual Report on Public Public Partnerships 2020

The 6th annual report on Public Public Partnerships (P2Ps) provides an updated picture of the evolving P2P landscape and highlights examples of good practice and achievements from networks during 2020 as they seek to address specific challenges during a difficult year and create wider impact within the community, in an increasingly collaborative manner. The report commences with a short overview of the work of ERA-LEARN during 2020 and some insight into the current situation on European Partnerships under Horizon Europe. It then provides an update regarding the evolving P2P landscape in relation to calls, committed budgets and transnational projects. This is followed by a description of some of the highlights from 2020 across all network types, an outlook on future planned activities, a summary of the evolving Country Reports series produced by ERA-LEARN, an overview of work produced, together with the GPC, about the impact of the Joint Programming Process at a national level, and the results of the survey on the impact of COVID-19 on the P2Ps.

The Report can be downloaded here: ERA-LEARN Annual Report on Public Public Partnerships 2020


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