With a proposed budget of 100 billion euro from 2021 to 2027, the Horizon Europe framework programme represents the largest collaborative multinational research and innovation investment in Europe and is open to participants worldwide.
The European Parliament and the Council, the co-legislators have provisionally agreed on the Horizon Europe legislative package. Based on the agreement, a Strategic Plan will put forward the targeted impacts for the investment in research and innovation and the priorities for the first four years of implementation of Horizon Europe.
We invite you to contribute to co-designing and help shaping the future research and innovation investment by responding to this questionnaire. It takes approximately 20 minutes to respond. The results will inform the work on the first Strategic Plan of Horizon Europe. You can further engage by participating in the European Research and Innovation Days on 24-25-26 September 2019 in Brussels.
It is recommended that prior to responding to the questions, you read the attached document: Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan implementing the research and innovation framework programme Horizon Europe.
Find the survey here.
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