The AGA — Annotated Model Grant Agreement is a user guide that aims to explain to applicants and beneficiaries the EU Model Grant Agreements (General MGA, Lump Sum MGA, Unit MGA, Operating Grants MGA and FPA) for the EU funding programmes 2021-2027.
Programme specificities are reflected in this document as examples — in so far as they are accepted as mainstream solutions that can be used by several EU programmes.
The purpose of this document is to help users understand and interpret their Grant Agreements (GAs). By avoiding technical vocabulary, legal references and jargon, it seeks to help readers find answers to the practical questions they may come across when setting-up or implementing their projects.
In the same spirit, the document’s structure mirrors that of the EU Model Grant Agreements (MGAs). It explains each MGA Article and includes examples where appropriate.
Since all EU MGAs are derived from the General MGA, the AGA focuses mainly on the General MGA; annotations of the other MGAs are limited to major differences from that MGA.
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