Sustainable City Logistics

Date - 24/02/2021
14:00 - 16:00

Digitalisation and e-commerce have changed urban logistics.  Introducing innovations in city logistics and making it more sustainable requires cooperation between a wide range of partners as well as new vehicles, business models and technologies. How to manage these changes sustainably, and benefit as a city, is one of EIT Urban Mobility’s key challenge areas. EIT Urban Mobility aims to build Action and Interest Groups across cities, industry, and academia for all of its key challenge areas.  The Sustainable City Logistics open Innovation Community Day is the first step in building this wider logistics focused network.​

This session will include an opening by the EIT Urban Mobility, followed by city speakers who will give their insights on working with EIT Urban Mobility, thought leaders will speak on key innovations in sustainable logistics and will be followed by private sector innovation pitches.

More information can be found here

Sustainable city logistics area description


The EIT Urban Mobility is holding open Innovation Days, along four of its thematic challenge areas, including:

  • Future Mobility (February 18th, 13:30 – 15:30)
  • Active Mobility (February 23rd, 13:30 – 15:30)
  • Sustainable City Logistics (February 24th, 14:00 – 16:00)
  • Mobility and Energy (February 25th, 14:00 – 16:00)

These challenge areas will be core to the upcoming call for proposals (2022), and the Innovation Days are a key first step, in building Action and Interest Groups across all of EIT Urban Mobility’s challenge areas.

Registration is free and it is open to any European Organisation or those with EU research agreements.

Why attend?

  • Learn about the upcoming Call for Proposals 2022 and development of the Action and Interest Groups ​
  • Learn about the four challenge areas prioritized by the EIT Urban Mobility Innovation activities
  • Hear from thought leaders on key innovations in each area
  • See corporate and organisational pitches on latest innovations
  • Hear from city representatives on their current engagement with EIT Urban Mobility and the mobility challenges they wish to address
  • Network and schedule 1:1 video calls with participants – Choose “Long Term Matchmaking” function in the registration

How can you benefit from this event?

  • Become a part of a EIT Urban Mobility’s Action and Interest Group
  • Start a dialogue with EIT Urban Mobility

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