Big Data, Electronic Health Records and Health Governance

Date - 23/09/2019 - 24/09/2019
All day

After the successful conference held in May, Regions4PerMed is glad to invite you to the workshop titled “Big Data, electronic health records and health governance”.

The aim of the Workshop is to explore one of the key thematic areas of the Regions4Permed project, which is understanding how big data and digitalisation can support measures to promote health, as well as to reform health systems, easing the transition to new patient-centred care models, and to new integrated care structures.

We will be discussing the potential, the risks and role that Regions can play in the governance process of health data, focusing in particular on the current state of art and the next challenges.

In the Workshop in September we are planning to discuss the topic of Data and health governance with Policy Makers, Representatives of Universities and Research Hospitals, Organisations active in the field of Healthcare from different Regions. The Workshop, structured in parallel sessions, will focus on four areas: 1) Data integration and interoperability, 2) Public and private investments and Public-private partnerships 3) Change management in hospitals (including IT training for doctors, monitoring and management of chronicity) 4) Data Access (to researchers, clinicians and patients).

We would like representatives of Regions, Countries, Healthcare Organizations to present and discuss their policies and practices in their Regions/institutions.


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